Sunday, October 17, 2010


So satursay was homecoming day! I worked from 11-4 which wasn't so bad, after that i went to my house and was hurried to get my stuff. So when i got to my friend's house, after my shower, i put on my clothes and my pants were too tight. I didn't think it was a big deal so i just wore them. when i got to school and started dancing i went to low and i heard a rip, i had a hole in between my legs. i kept dancing not really caring and after a while the whole thing was ripped up to the tip of my waist. Thank God my friend sarah told me to put on boxers on top of my  thong, or my ass woud be hanging out!! So after i sat there for a bit i took of my pants and started to dance again. i saw the principle so before i could get kicked out i went over to him and told him what happened, he got me new pants and i danced the rest of the night. It was quite an interesting night, will never forget it <3 the thing is when i got there i saw this kid Rob, he is this guy who I fell in love with unfortunately. The story is connfusing maybe I'll talk about it later or something, but lets just say we havent talked since june, and weren't friends since december. it hurt to see him, i miss him so much but i will get over it. it's just a trial along the path to recovery and moving on =] I went to hang out with my friends after homecoming and had an interesting time. messaging boobs are fun lol. but i went to my dad'safter that to sleep and worked from 12-8 today. i'm mad tired i felt like a zombie at work. but anyways i'm going to bed and hope my night at homecoming was as enjoyable to read as it was for my to go to lol, yea i showed those black girls how to dance

1 comment:

  1. Hey there badauses,
    I am doing a blog/photo project for charity that I would like to title animal crackers. I found you by searching for blogging domains and noticed that you have not posted in about two years. I am wondering if you would be willing to change your blog domain so that I might make use of it.

    You can see a bit about my project here, if you like:

    Thanks for your consideration!
